““Models Trust works to protect, educate and support models and model agencies, through data-driven surveys and reports.
Participation in our surveys & reports acts as an assurance of best practice in areas of mental and physical health, gender equality, social sustainability, and ethical employment.”
Our Eyes On Production survey is the first of its kind as it provided data-driven reports on how models are treated on set. It shines a light on areas where agencies cannot see as it is at the model’s place of work/the brand’s production.
An anonymous feedback survey is sent by the agency to its signed models to fill in post-production. Results from the survey will show models are treated by the brand.
Our specific research shows that it is unrealistic at best and impossible at worse to have ‘eyes on production’, unless a representative or a chaperone is present at each shoot, show or event.
We found that brands, as well as agencies, have difficulty knowing if standards are met on set as there is a wall of silence that is accepted throughout the industry. Agencies (and brands) are now able to ‘see’ how models are treated on a production for the first time.
This Eyes On Production survey takes models four minutes to fill out and it is anonymous. All responses are sent directly to Models Trust to process and a consultation is arranged to go through the data-driven report and findings with the senior management of the agency.
How We Support Agencies ...
As a model agent/booker, you need eyes everywhere, but we know it’s not possible to be everywhere when you are looking after so many models at one time.
We can support you, as we know how to answer some of your burning questions which can cause upset and frustration throughout your day.
Sometimes brands do not always deliver on promises and sometimes you find out only when it is too late … when the model has taken to social media or connected with your client directly.
We know some models feel too vulnerable to speak out at the time an incident occurs, so this quick, after-a-job survey, will let you know exactly what's going on in production.
The Eyes On Production survey answers questions such as:
How was it yesterday at the casting? Did the brand give you any feedback?
Did models have appropriate rest time and food available to them?
Were the timings on the e-commerce shoot better than last time?
Was there an appropriate hairstylist and makeup artist on set for the diverse models?
Where there proper facilities to change in?
3 Easy Steps To Complete THe survey
Models Trust sends the agency a unique survey link
The model fills in the Eyes On Production survey at the end of each production
Models Trust collects the data directly and builds your bespoke report
The data results from the Eyes On Production survey is aggregated, anonymously and totally confidentially.
The survey link is re-usable and valid for one month and at the end of the month, the survey closes, and a data-driven report is created specifically for the agency.
With this data, there is a light touch, bespoke report that shows how brands treat models on set. Giving powerful insights into the models, their demographics and the experiences they have with the brands/agency clients.
The survey questions are based on our Five Principles we measure for safe and ethical productions (preparation, support, conduct, safety and DEI).
If you would like to be a Models Trust certified member, then the next step would be to take your own AGENCY SURVEY.
Please email Jessica Boyle at:
“I find from being a model myself during the nineties and having run a high-end modelling agency for an additional 23 years, that it has been an uphill challenge operating on an ethical international level. We are a fantastic inspirational industry, but we lack corporate charters, regulations and unions. Therefore I beg other serious management companies and clients to take advantage of the knowledge on every level that Models Trust can inspire and help us achieve.”
want to know more?
In April 2022, 340 signed models shared their honest feedback with us about their agency's performance. Choosing the right representation is one of the most important decisions a model can make in their career. We're on a mission to track agency performance, across the modelling industry, year on year, to help models make better and more informed decisions.